Meet the Staff

  • Pastor Cindy Robles

    Pastor Cindy has accept a call in Oregon. It is with both joyful and heavy hearts we fondly wish her the very best as she and Rueben will be missed!

    We currently have area retired ministers delivering the sermon and administering Holy Communion each Sunday.

  • Secretary Donna Putnam

    Donna Putman is a long-time member of Greenvine Emmanuel Lutheran that lives in Burton, TX. Her position as Church Secretary is part-time. Not only does she do the job as secretary, but helps wherever needed in the church, such as mowing and assisting in worship.

  • Church Council

    President: Sharon Chapman

    Vice President: Carolyn Thiemer

    Secretary: Lacey Eckert

    Treasurer: Alexis Antkowiak

    Bettye Clark

    Troy Wiedemann